(photo taken by my love Amira - see her work here)

F O R E V E R    I N    P R O G R E S S

Malaya Tuyay was born on Chumash land (small town Carpinteria), but now works and lives on Ohlone Territory (Bay Area). She channels the legacies of print and textile mediums to share her experience with trauma and her process of loving the different intersections of her queer mixed Pilpinx-American identity. She draws from this personal experience of losing her mother at a young age to create real and tactile objects out of grief. Her craftwork—particularly sewing and printmaking— is inspired by and in deference to the history of marginalized groups who often used these mediums to pass on their own stories, which are not retold or recognized in the canonical history classes of western institutions. In exhibiting work, she seeks to initiate conversations with others in the process of defining their own identities and to bring people together to exchange personal histories and collectively empower each other to create a radically new world. She further embodies this ethos by mobilizing her art practice in support of mutual aid organizing in the Bay Area and international advocacy work supporting frontline environmental defenders in Mindanao, Philippines.

(statement edited by Ant Lore)
